Volunteer Opportunities

We need you! Calling all volunteers*

* Volunteers must have a volunteer packet approved and on file with the MATES front office.
ART@LUNCH – Does your child love art, and do you want to spend some extra time together? You may reach out to the volunteers.
Email directly to help out.
RUN CLUB – We have an amazing team of parent volunteers to lead a big group of kids who are ready to run and get their blood pumping every Tuesday mornings!
Email directly to join the fun.
MARKETPLACE – MATES Marketplace allows families to purchase gently used clothing for a fraction of the price while also raising money for school!
Email directly to help out.

I  a m .    Y o u   a r e .    W E  A R E  M C N.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and work together for a common goal like a great event for our kids or a committee to bring unique educational opportunities to the students.
There are often areas where we need volunteers immediately or additional volunteers to help round out a committee for an event coming up soon.
Thank you for looking over what is needed and finding a way to help.
Most of the event and/or committee needs are short term, and once you’re done, we don’t hound you for more just because you offered to help once. 🙂
Thank you, and your help is appreciated and valued! Your kids thank you, too!
If you’re interested, we will help you find just the right place to volunteer that works with your schedule and talents.
Come join us here, or scan the code below:
You may also contact: Volunteering@matesmcn.net.

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